Anticipated Deadline:
March 25, 2025

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GSA - Biggs Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching

Organization: Geological Society of America

The Biggs Award, which recognizes innovative and effective teaching of earth science among early career faculty, is the Geoscience Education Division's Named Award. Earth science instructors and faculty from all academic institutions engaged in undergraduate education, who have been teaching full-time for 10 years or less are eligible. Part-time teaching is not counted in the 10 years. Nominees may self-nominate for this award.An award of $750 is made possible as a result of support from the Donald and Carolyn Biggs Fund, the GSA Geoscience Education Division, and GSA's Education & Outreach Programs. An additional travel reimbursement of up to $500 is available to the recipient to attend the award presentation at the GSA annual meeting.