Anticipated Deadline:
March 15, 2025
USDA-CRES - National Awards Program for Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food & Agricultural Sciences
Organization: United States Department of Agriculture - Cooperative Research and Extension Services
The Awards Program recognizes faculty who promote effective and innovative pedagogy evidenced by successive years of sustained, meritorious and exceptional teaching. The Awards Program will recognize and honor a select group of college and university teachers who excel at teaching, make a positive impact on student learning, and influence other teachers by example. The three categories that awards are offered in are National, Regional and New Teacher. Teacher nominees must be employed by a college or university that (1) confers a baccalaureate or higher degree in at least one area of the food and agricultural sciences for which the teacher is nominated, (2) has demonstrated a commitment to the food and agricultural sciences, and (3) attributes a high priority to its education mission. A teacher nominee must hold a full-time appointment as an active faculty member as of the nominee submission due date, and have responsibility for teaching in an area of the food and agricultural sciences.