Anticipated Deadline:
March 15, 2025

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GSA - Isreal C. Russell Award for Limnogeology

Organization: Geological Society of America

The Israel C. Russell Award is a new award of the Limnogeology Division and is awarded for major achievements in Limnogeology through contributions in research, teaching and service. Nominations should consist of a letter describing the Nominee's accomplishments in the field of limnogeology (broadly defined and including limnogeology, limnology and paleolimnology), service to students and teaching, and contributions to GSA, as well as a Curriculum Vitae. The Nominee need not be a member of the Division or of GSA, but must have made valuable contributions to the Society. The dossiers of nominees who did not receive the award in any given year will be retained and considered for two succeeding years; thus, nominations are valid for a total of three years. Updated information for carry-over candidates may be sent to the Division Treasurer during the ordinary call for nominations. Israel C. Russell Award Committee members are encouraged to initiate nominations for the Award.