Anticipated Deadline:
February 1, 2025

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ACSM - The New Investigator Awards

Organization: American College of Sports Medicine

The New Investigator Awards are intended to recognize new investigators who, as a consequence of their educational background/training and quality of initial independent research productivity, have begun and are likely to continue to make a significant contribution to knowledge in basic or clinical exercise science or sports medicine. Award(s) will be made annually to deserving new investigator(s) in Clinical Science and/or Basic Science. Award criteria include the candidate's training, grants obtained, research independence, future potential, productivity, first authorship and the scientific merit, quality and originality of a short research paper expanded from the abstract submitted and accepted for presentation at the ACSM Annual Meeting. Applicants must meet the following requirements:1. Terminal degree must have been within the previous six years (as of March 1, 2007), andapplicant cannot hold a level higher than Assistant Professor.2. Be principal author of a submitted and accepted paper for presentation at the 2007 AnnualMeeting, which excludes dissertation research.3. Must be a current member of ACSM or one of its Chapters at the time of application and atthe time award is presented.Each award will provide complimentary registration to the Annual Meeting, complimentary hotelaccommodations for three nights (at the conference hotel rate), meals for 4 days (not to exceed$45/day) the lowest available advance round-trip airfare from your home city to New Orleans, LA.All recipients are expected to attend the ACSM Annual Awards Banquet, June 1, 2007 to receivetheir award. Two complimentary banquet tickets will also be provided.