Anticipated Deadline:
July 1, 2024

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Templeton - Templeton Prize

Organization: John Templeton Foundation

The Templeton Prize is awarded annually by an international, multifaith panel of judges to a living individual of any religious tradition who has contributed significantly to the progression of research or discoveries about spiritual realities. This prize is awarded annually to a living person. The purpose of the Templeton Prize is to develop an understanding of the benefits of diversity. It seeks to focus attention on the wide variety of endeavors toward discoveries through spiritual realities research. Nominations are due by July 1 each year. Nominators should consider that the Templeton Prize is not awarded for good works per se, but for originality in advancing ideas and institutions that have deepened the world's understanding of God and of spiritual realities. The Prize judges will ask:What has this person done that was entirely original?Was this contribution primarily spiritual rather than primarily humanitarian?Did this unique contribution result in an appreciable acceleration in spiritual discoveries?